Interviews RSS Feed

Category: Human Resources, Healthcare, Benefits

Matthew Owenby
Matthew Owenby joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the post-pandemic workplace will level out with a new mix of in-person and virtual scenarios, plus the need to train your own people in the face of a qualified candidate shortage.
Matthew Owenby
Matthew Owenby joins Jim Blasingame to report on the mix of workplace scenarios that we’ll have when the pandemic lockdowns are over, plus how this disruption will impact the sustainability of a corporate culture.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals the reasons why the current crisis of worker shortage will manifest over the next year as an economic headwind.
Bryan Mattimore
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the current reality of a shortage of employee candidates, and whether now is the time to hire for intelligence and attitude and train your own, rather than looking for experience.
Bryan Mattimore
Bryan Mattimore joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on how to attract the talent you need by focusing on areas like mission, vision and values, not just the work and the compensation.
Amy  Kardel
Amy Kardel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the increased expectation of younger employee candidates to be attracted to an organized and ongoing training program, and how to make that happen.
Amy  Kardel
Amy Kardel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the idea of growing your own qualified people though in-house or external apprentice programs.
Karen  Casey
Karen Casey joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some best practices on how to nurture and maintain a healthy corporate culture in a remote-work environment.
Karen  Casey
Karen Casey joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenges of acquiring talent to your business, as opposed to just hiring someone to fill a slot.
Matthew Owenby
Matthew Owenby joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the post-pandemic workplace will level out with a new mix of in-person and virtual scenarios, plus the need to train your own people in the face of a qualified candidate shortage.

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