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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Beverly Flaxington
Beverly Flaxington joins Jim Blasingame to encourage the addition of your team in your goal-setting process, as a way to energize their performance and develop and grow a high-quality corporate culture.
Shelby Scarbrough
Shelby Scarbrough joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the basis for her book on civility was inspired by writings of George Washington, and how these very human behaviors are being challenged by the velocity of the digital age.
Shelby Scarbrough
Shelby Scarbrough joins Jim Blasingame to report on the ways our civility is being compromised by the digital age because trust and ethics doesn’t transfer well at the speed of light.
Debbie Meyer
Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the true nature of a leader, including how they approach challenges with energy, courage and perseverance.
Debbie Meyer
Debbie Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenges every entrepreneur has in the early days when the only person they have to lead is themselves, including believing in yourself.
Dr Marilyn Singleton
Dr. Marilyn Singleton joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate Black History Month by revealing her own rise to personal power, and that of other Black Americans, and why this evidence refutes the notion that systemic racism exists in America.
Dr Marilyn Singleton
Dr. Marilyn Singleton joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the World Health Organization continues to coordinate with China to provide controversial and unsubstantiated information about the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.
John Horvat II
John Horvat II joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that President Biden replacing the bust of Churchill from the Oval Office with the bust of a controversial figure does not reflect the historic values of America, and belies his unity message.
Rick Maurer
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that in order to lead change in the post-pandemic economy, you’ll have to be clear about goals and lead in a way that makes your team want to be part of your plan.
Rick Maurer
Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to energize your team with fresh batteries so you can lead the levels of change that we’re going to see on the other side of this pandemic disruption.

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