Ed Abel

Interviews with Ed Abel RSS Feed

What is the best way to express appreciation to customers? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the specific ways to train employees - and owners - how to properly and effectively express and show gratitude to customers for their business.
Do you think about customer service in transaction terms? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why the only way to deliver excellent customer service is to think about the solution in terms of a relationship with the customer, not a transaction.
Why do small businesses make customer service so difficult? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why too many small businesses actually think they're really good at customer service - but that's not what their customers would say.
What is the best way to express appreciation to customers? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the specific ways to train employees - and owners - how to properly and effectively express and show gratitude to customers for their business.
Do you think about customer service in transaction terms? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why the only way to deliver excellent customer service is to think about the solution in terms of a relationship with the customer, not a transaction.
How long does it take from first contact to contract? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why every business must establish a customer acquisition process so you don't give up before you cross the finish line.
There are specific steps in a successful customer acquisition prrocess.. Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to blend their approaches to creating a successful customer acquisition process, including differentiating influencers and prospects.
To get more business, deliver formal sales proposals? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to develop a formal sales proposal to communicate the benefits and value of doing business with you in writing.
The customer acquisition cycle is the blending of marketing and sales. Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the patience and perseverance required in managing sales and marketing cycles and how they overlap.
How do you stay in front of customers, even when they’re not buying? Ed Abel joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the process of converting marketing messaging and contacts into a selling cycle that closes sales.