Can You Really Make Money in Online Publishing

So, who are these people and what are they doing? It’s actually quit simple. For the most part these are regular people like you and I, who know something about a particular topic, and are sharing their knowledge by using what is become known as "Online Publishing."
These infopreneurs are creating e-books, e-courses, audio programs, software, streaming videos and any combination of these to deliver their information products online, in real time, to help their customers learn a new skill, solve a problem or in someway expand their knowledge about a particular topic.
The advent of the Internet has made this world of online publishing, a process that uses technology to deliver information in real time, a reality. Pay-per-click search engine advertising, available from Goggle and Yahoo, have provided the marketing vehicle.
So who are these people, how does all this work, and can you get in on this online publishing phenomena?
The answer to the second part of this question is a big, resounding "YES!"
First, let’s have a look at some real world examples.
Two of the most successful people in the online information business are Joe Vitale and Jim Edwards. Their "Seven Day E-book Secrets" teaches people how to do produce an e-book quickly and sell it online.
Another example is "Perry Marshal's "Definitive Guide to Goggle Adwords," an essential resource for anyone using Pay-per-click advertising for their online publishing endeavors.
Others in the business run the gamut from training your parrot to learning how to use Power Point, including my own home study course, "How to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book."
The key to all of this is email and pay-per-click advertising. Today when someone wants information, the first place they look is usualy Goggle or some other search engine.
By using the pay-per-click, keyword advertising services with these search engines, smart online publishers are able to present their solution to your problem, at the exact time your looking for it.
The magic of the web brings the information hungry buyer exactly what they want, when they want it, immediately available for instant delivery. Click! Cha-ching!
So How Can I Make Money with Online Publishing?
Think about what you know. Are you an expert in some particular field? Do you have specific knowledge that other people will pay for? Do you have a passion or hobby that you can teach to others?
I believe that we all have special talents, passions and gifts. My wife Georgia for example, created a program for women titled "Looking Fabulous after 40," based on her life long love of fashion, beauty and style, and her seminars and consulting with hundreds of women. By "packaging" her knowledge, she is able to make it available to more women, at less cost than her one-on-one services, and have an additional revenue stream in the process. One that works 24/7!
What If I’m Not a Writer?
Even if you’re not a writer, you can get help with the writing or you can do an audio program, some other media, or even develop a software program that helps people accomplish a particular task more efficiently.
There are several Web sites that will connect you with the freelancers that can do everything from simple web pages to developing streaming video presentations to deliver your information and help you get started in online publishing.
Two of these are, for general services and, where you find more technical services available, or you can get a copy of the "Seven Day E-Book" and get started immediately.
Regardless of what you chose to do, there are viable income producing opportunities in online publishing that are available to anyone who is willing to do some work.
Learning all there is to know about Online publishing is beyond the scope of this article, however, to help you get started, I have put together some of hte best resources in the box on the right.
Wishing you the best in your online publishing success.
Jim Donovan